Home Weightloss GLP Activate: Weigh In On the Benefits 

GLP Activate: Weigh In On the Benefits 

The Importance of GLP-1 to Metabolic Health

GLP-1 stands for glucagon-like peptide-1, a hormone produced in the small intestine that’s vital in managing appetite, insulin, and blood sugar levels. 

Metabolic health indicates how efficiently your body processes energy, manages fat storage, and regulates blood sugar levels; factors like genetics, diet, exercise, and body weight are all contributors. Scientists have recently discovered that the GLP-1 hormone may hold the key to sustainable weight loss and the management of metabolic health. 

How Does the GLP-1 Hormone Impact Weight Loss?

GLP-1 Promotes Fullness and Controls Appetite

Scientists reveal that GLP-1 is a key player in appetite regulation, communicating with our brain via the vagus nerve, which links our gut and brain. By activating specific receptors, especially in the appetite-controlling hypothalamus and hindbrain, GLP-1 reduces our need for food intake. 

Beyond the brain, it also moderates digestion- slowing stomach emptying, reducing acid, and influencing gut movement. This not only curbs appetite but also aids in weight loss and introduces a natural “digestive pause” called the “ileal brake”. 

GLP-1 Influences Food Cravings

GLP-1 isn’t just a hunger messenger; it’s also your brain’s craving controller. Located in the brain’s pleasure and motivation centers, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT) and nucleus accumbens (NAcc), GLP-1 plays a pivotal role in how we perceive food rewards by making food less desirable and making you feel less rewarded by sugary treats. When active in the NAcc, it curbs our desire for sugary food, but when the GLP-1 is blocked, our cravings surge.

In essence, GLP-1 receptors in the PVT influence our eating habits and food-driven motivations via pathways to the NAcc. So, GLP-1 doesn’t just signal fullness; it also moderates our food desires, balancing both basic hunger and the allure of treats. 

GLP-1 Manages Metabolism and Blood Sugar

The GLP-1 hormone plays a vital role in blood sugar control by stimulating insulin release from the pancreas’ beta cells. Balanced glucose levels are key for weight loss. High glucose promotes fat storage due to increased insulin, while fluctuations can trigger hunger and cravings. GLP-1’s ability to lower blood sugar levels is critical in weight management and metabolic health. 

How To Activate Your GLP-1 Hormone Naturally With 8 Proven Supplements

Our current understanding of the GLP-1 hormone started in 1983 when several scientists, including Jens Juul Holst, discovered GLP-1 in the intestines. This research formed the foundation of our understanding of how the GLP-1 hormone holds the key to sustainable weight loss. Pharmaceutical drugs are being prescribed by the millions to create a synthetic form of this hormone in the body, but the research is not conclusive if this is a safe and effective long-term solution for people. 

Leading pharmacist, Phil Cowley, and Triquetra partnered together to find a holistic solution to help people naturally support their body’s GLP-1 production to accomplish sustainable weight loss. Experts consider certain natural ingredients for their potential influence on the GLP-1 hormone and metabolic health. 

The following scientifically validated ingredients are considered to provide optimal results for increasing the body’s production of GLP-1:

  1. Axivite Phenylcapsaicin®

Phenylcapsaicin, a chemical compound of the chili pepper extract capsaicin, helps with blood sugar control by increasing the secretion of the GLP-1 hormone, while also helping people lose weight, boost metabolism and eat less.

  1. Green Tea Extract

Research has shown that green tea extract (GTE) can help improve blood sugar control and insulin use. It also increases the GLP-1 hormone that helps the body use sugar or glucose more effectively, especially in people with type-2 diabetes and high blood fats or cholesterol. Additionally, it helps to reduce weight and body fat. 

  1. Rebersa Berberine®

Berberine has been shown to reduce weight and unhealthy fat levels in the blood. It can potentially reduce sugar production in the liver and improve how the body uses insulin after being on a high-fat diet for a long time.

Berberine positively shifts the microbiota-gut-brain axis, improving obesity and insulin resistance by elevating GLP-1 levels. 

  1. Boron

Research suggests that boron’s potential to help with weight loss might be its ability to boost energy metabolism, increase heat production, break down fats, and prevent fat accumulation. 

  1. Ceylon Cinnamon

Scientists found that using cinnamon led to notable reductions in

  •       blood sugar levels,
  •       overall body fat,
  •       belly fat,
  •       blood fats or cholesterol,
  •       blood pressure, and
  •       people with metabolic problems.
  1. Curcumin C3 Complex®

Curcumin is also shown to make the body release more GLP-1 which helps reduce weight, body size, and waist size, especially for adults with specific health issues like PCOS, fatty liver, obesity, or metabolic syndrome. Scientists highlighted that curcumin breaks down in the body, which helps boost the release of GLP-1. In STC-1 cells, curcumin attaches to proteins, and this attachment might play a role in controlling GLP-1 secretion.

  1. Taurine

Scientists suggest taurine helps neutralize certain acids in the part of the gut called duodenum, which could support the release of GLP-1 hormone.

Additionally, scientists found that taurine made the energy-burning genes work more in some body parts and turned down the fat-storing genes in others,  helping to reduce obesity by making the body burn more energy and store less fat.

  1. Aloe Vera Extract

Aloe vera has a peptide/polypeptide fraction (PPF) that might help with high blood sugar levels by influencing the production of GLP-1 and lowering blood sugar. Moreover, it helps to maintain a healthy gut and influences GLP-1 levels.

Triquetra’s GLP-Activate blends these eight naturally derived supplements to provide optimal performance of the GLP-1 hormone. Individually, each of these supplements aids in weight reduction due to their unique qualities, combined they boost GLP-1 levels to help control cravings, appetite, and blood sugar.

Evolution of GLP-1 Hormone

For nearly 50 years, GLP-1 has been vital in metabolic health, but the gradual pace of scientific research is beginning to speed up at a pace that is hard to keep up with. One steadfast to developing the scientific world is nature. Triquetra uses what is discovered in nature and optimizes the healing potential through science.

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