Home Blood Pressure Omega-3 Supplements May Improve Your Health in 10 Ways, Here’s What Research Reveals!
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Omega-3 Supplements May Improve Your Health in 10 Ways, Here’s What Research Reveals!

Why organic olive oil? The Mediterranean diet has been No. 1 for many years, based on the U.S. News & World Reports. Ever wonder why?

Wonder no more since it contains specific foods that may lower heart disease and early death risks. One of the potent ingredients is olive oil. Get to know this wonder plant and how it promotes overall health.

  • Benefits for health
  • Body impact
  • Food and supplement sources
  • Risks and side effects
  • Dosage and frequency
  • Safety and precautions

What are the 10+ Organic Olive Oil Potential Health Benefits?

Organic olive oil comes from the olive plant, which grows abundantly in Europe. Ancient Mediterraneans used it about 4,000 years ago. Scholars described crushing the olive fruit to extract its juices or oil. Other than food, the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used it to remedy ailments, skin care, and rituals.

It contains oleic acid, a kind of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFAs). Polyphenols, vitamin E, and other anti-inflammatory compounds are also included. As a result, it benefits the heart, blood pressure, and more. 

For example, a study explored the link between olive oil and cause-specific death. It looked at 31,801 men and 60,582 women in the US who had no heart disease or cancer history. Every four years, their diets were assessed from 1990-2018. After 28 years of follow-up, 36,856 people passed away.

This study reveals that people who consumed the most olive oil had a lower risk of:

  • Neurodegenerative or brain disorder-related death by 29%
  • Heart problems by 19%
  • Lung disease-related death by 18%
  • Death from cancer by 17%

These findings suggest that taking olive oil may be linked to a lower risk of death. Also, replacing 10 grams of butter or margarine, mayo, and dairy fat with olive oil could lower the total risk of death by 8-34%.

1. An Aide in Preventing Brain Disorders

Neurodegenerative diseases refer to cognitive decline, which affects mental and mobility functions. There are many causes of brain conditions. However, experts suggest these conditions can be brought about by oxidative stress (OS). It happens when your body produces many reactive oxygen species (ROS), which harm your cells. 

Your antioxidants, as defense, can’t keep up with the amount of ROS. This OS can then cause inflammation and damage to your brain. As a result, you may develop brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Antioxidants, like phenolic compounds, can play a role in preventing and managing them. For example, olive oil is rich in hydroxytyrosol (HT), a phenolic component. According to scientists, it’s a potent and promising antioxidant and anti-inflammatory for brain protection. You can find HT in olive dupes or fruits and leaves.

Other than HT, polyphenols and oleuropein aglycone (OleA) are key components. A study finds these compounds prevent cell damage caused by a protein. These Aβ1-42 oligomers affect ROS production and impair cell function. It’s suggested to play a crucial role in Alzheimer’s.

Therefore, polyphenols, OleA, and HT alone or in combination are promising compounds to prevent brain disorders.

2. Organic Olive Oil Can Support Against Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases include heart disease, high blood pressure, heart failure, heart artery disorders, and stroke. Experts claim that CVD is the leading cause of death globally. So, you should cut down on your pizza, steak, fries, and soda intake. Instead, adding olive oil to the diet may support heart health.

HT can help protect from CVD. It reduces inflammation that causes cell and tissue damage. As a result, it improves the way blood vessels work. 

At the same time, HT helps reduce low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol in the blood. It reduces blood clot risk by making platelets less sticky. All these actions contribute to lowering the risk of developing CVD.

Scientists looked into two large studies from 1990 to 2014. The study included 31,797 men and 61,282 women, and 9,797 CVD cases. They found that high olive oil intake was linked to a lower risk of CVD in healthy U.S. adults.  To help prevent CVD, replace mayonnaise, butter or margarine, and dairy fat with olive oil.

Similarly, a meta-analysis looked into olive oil and the risk of CVD and death. Based on their findings from 13 studies, higher consumption of olive oil reduced the risk of CVD and death. Taking 20 grams daily may benefit the heart and promote a longer life.

3. Help Lower Your Risk of Stroke

Blood transports a supply of oxygen and nutrients to your brain. A brain attack or stroke occurs when a blood clot or burst vessel disrupts blood flow. As a result, your brain cells get damaged or die within minutes.

A high intake of olive oil was linked to lower stroke events in older adults. One of the reasons is that organic olive oil contains oleic acid. It’s a fatty acid that reduces inflammation. As a result, experts suggest it can protect the brain from ischemic stroke or lack of oxygen. 

Moreover, polyphenols reduce the risk of stroke by protecting brain cells from inflammation. It also improves endothelial function, which refers to the ability of the inner lining of blood vessels to regulate blood flow and keep it healthy. 

HT is also helpful for stroke recovery based on an animal study. Its anti-inflammatory action increases blood flow and improves connections in the brain. As a result, it can help with learning and motor skills post-ischemic stroke.

At the same time, researchers investigated if olive oil has a link to CVD and stroke, so they looked into three cohort studies:

  • AWHS, with 2,318 men
  • SUN, with 18,200 men and women
  • EPIC-Spain, with 39,393 men and women

They found that people who consumed olive oil were less likely to have CVD or stroke. Hence, people may benefit from organic olive oil at 20 to 30 grams daily. 

4. Help Control Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is 130/80 mm Hg or higher. The upper number represents the systolic pressure, and the lower is the diastolic pressure. 

The former is the force your heart exerts while beating or pumping blood. In contrast, the latter is the force exerted by your arteries between beats or at rest. Experts say high systolic pressure increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Researchers studied the components of extra virgin olive oil. They identified oleic acid and polyphenols act as antioxidants, which lowers high blood pressure, but they couldn’t pinpoint which component is most effective. Instead, a combination of these components works together for blood pressure.

Moreover, 60 ml of olive oil daily for three weeks decreases peripheral and central systolic blood pressure. The result comes from the OLIVAUS study on 50 healthy Australian adults. However, more studies are needed to understand the effects of polyphenols on heart disease risk factors. Examples are artery stiffness and diastolic blood pressure.

5. Organic Olive Oil Might Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2M) belongs to a general health problem called metabolic syndrome. It refers to common conditions of:

  • being overweight;
  • the inability of the body to use insulin properly;
  • abnormal blood fat levels; and
  • high blood pressure.

A review of four studies and 29 clinical trials delved into the effects of olive oil on diabetes risk. Olive contains oleuropein, a phenolic compound, which includes HT and flavonoids. These compounds are linked to increased high-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol. Moreover, they also improve the heart and blood vessel lining function.

People with the highest olive oil intake had a 16% lower risk of developing T2DM than people who consumed less. In addition, people with T2DM had better blood sugar control after olive supplementation.

Moreover, those who took olive oil had lower HbA1, a measure of long-term blood sugar control. Additionally, they had lower fasting blood sugar or short-term blood sugar control. It shows that taking olive oil can prevent and manage T2DM.

Conflicting Studies About Olive Oil and T2DM

Oleic acid can be as good as other therapies for metabolic syndrome. However, a review finds HT needs more evidence to know if it’s effective in managing T2DM. 

A 2021 review of 13 trials with 633 people examined the effect of extra virgin oil and blood sugar level measurements. It found no proof that olive oil helps lower blood sugar levels. 

But, a 2022 review aimed to find a link between olive intake and CVD, cancer, T2M, and death. It probed into many studies with 806,203 people. 

The results reveal a lower risk of T2DM at 22%, CVD at 16%, and all-cause death at 11%. However, no relation was found to cancer risk.  It means taking organic olive oil may lower the risks of developing T2M, CVD, and all-cause death. 

6. Organic Olive Oil Might Help With Weight Issues

People have been struggling to overcome obesity. One cause is a high-fat diet, which results in excess body fat. This condition causes inflammation, which can then lead to other health problems. 

Pentacyclic triterpenes, specifically oleanolic acid in olives, regulate blood fat production and insulin signaling. It also activates certain proteins that are crucial for these processes. 

As an antioxidant, it helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in fat and liver tissues. Moreover, oleanolic acid can help improve blood vessel function by promoting the release of nitric oxide. As a result, it causes vessels to relax and widen.

Fatty acid esters of hydroxyl fatty acids (FAHFAs), a type of natural body fat, help reduce inflammation. One specific type of FAHFA is oleic acid-hydroxy stearic acid (OAHSA). It comes from the healthy fat found in olives.

A study on mice shows that OAHSA-fed mice had better blood sugar control. Their fat tissue had less inflammation. It means that OAHSA, might be a good way to help reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar control if overweight. 

Additionally, a review of 11 studies found that an olive-enriched diet reduced overweight indicators. It may lower the body mass index and trim the waistline.

7. Protect from Certain Cancers

Cancer is another metabolic disorder that is linked to inflammation. ROS or free radicals can harm your body and damage your cells. It elicits inflammation and may play a role in cancer development. Scientists claim that polyphenols activate Nrf2, which protects cells against inflammation. 

Moreover, free radicals can accumulate in your body as antioxidants can no longer neutralize them. Polyphenols, as antioxidants, scavenge these free radicals. Experts suggest that polyphenols, especially oleuropein and HT, might fight cancer. 

 A consensus report in 2018 states that virgin olive oils may potentially prevent or reduce the risks of certain cancers. But, there is a lack of proof that it can stop cancer from worsening after being detected.

Additionally, a 2022  review looked at 45 studies to find a link between olive oil and cancer risk. People who consumed the most olive were 31% less likely to develop cancer than those who took less. 

Moreover, the people were less likely to have breast, gut, upper airway, and urinary tract cancers, so this suggests that organic olive oil can help reduce cancer risk. Although, more studies are needed to confirm this benefit. 

8. Organic Olive Oil May Ease Immune Disorder Symptoms

Immune-mediated inflammatory disorders (IMID) are a group of health conditions involving abnormal immune responses. Your body’s immune system fights itself, causing a specific organ’s short- or long-term inflammation. 

  • Gut – Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Joints – Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Brain and spinal cord – Amyotrophic lateral (MS) and Multiple sclerosis (MS) 
  • Skin – Psoriasis
  • Many organs – Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory action that can improve IMID symptoms. A study also finds fatty acids and polyphenols modulate the immune response of IMID.

Gut Problems

Several studies show the positive effects of polyphenols on specific IMIDs. First, researchers looked into people with ulcerative colitis (UC), a form of IBD. They found that consuming 50 ml extra virgin oil daily for 20 days reduces bloating and constipation. The inflammatory markers also decrease. 

Second, people who followed the Mediterranean diet for six months also reduced inflammatory markers. They exhibited better body mass index. 

Third, polyphenols increase a part of IgA-coated bacteria, which neutralizes bacterial toxins in the gut. IgA is an antibody that fights invading harmful agents or infections.

 Fourth, polyphenols increase Bifidobacterium, a “good” bacteria in the stomach. 

And fifth, researchers looked into 25,639 people. They found that people who took olive oil had a low incidence of UC. Thus, it shows that oleic acid content may prevent UC.

Joint Inflammation

Olive compounds have positive effects on RA, according to experts. Polyphenols, oleuropein, ligstroside, and oleocanthal may reduce swelling. Additionally, HT, oleuropein, and tyrosol act as antioxidants. Adding extra virgin olive oil with other healthy fats and nuts can benefit people with severe RA.

Synovial fibroblasts (SF) are unique cells in the synovium, a tissue that lines the inside of your joint caps. Researchers suggest SF inflammation plays a role in RA progression. People with RA show a synovial reaction to excess pro-inflammatory cytokines or proteins. These are TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6, known to have a significant impact on RA development.

For the first time, researchers identified oleocanthal could stop certain synovial cells from causing inflammation. As a polyphenol, oleocanthal exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-RA effects in joint disease lab studies. 

Moreover, HT and oleocanthal may also work for additional benefits. So, regular organic olive oil promotes joint health by reducing RA inflammation. 

Brain and Spinal Cord Disorders

Do you remember the bucket challenge some years ago? It piqued the curiosity of people about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)–a progressive brain and spinal cord condition that leads to motor neuron loss. It causes weakness and paralysis, eventually affecting respiratory muscles and causing death.

Researchers found that extra virgin olive oil increased mice’s muscle size, movability, and survival. It’s because olive helps reduce the expression of certain markers related to muscle damage and stress.

Other experts suggest polyphenols help protect the brain and nerves from damage or gradual breakdown. In addition, it prevents cell death and reduces nitric oxide (NO) production, which is involved in inflammation. Hence, olive oil might help people with ALS cope with their symptoms.

People with multiple sclerosis (MS) can also benefit from olive oil.  Simply put, with MS, the immune system goes haywire and attacks healthy tissues. As a result, it damages nerve fibers and the protective coating around them or myelin. 

Experimental studies found that olive oil suppresses inflammation and helps regulate the immune system. In addition, research on mice shows HT and oleic acid help protect against oxidative damage caused by MS.  

These substances reduced the amount of lipid and protein oxidation. But, simultaneously, it increased glutathione levels, which helps against oxidative damage. Thus, people with MS can add organic olive oil to their diet to ease their symptoms.

Skin Problem 

Psoriasis occurs when your immune system attacks your healthy skin cells. It’s an itchy skin condition triggered by various causes without permanent remedy.

A study examined how olive can help reduce skin inflammation caused by psoriasis. Olive oil-fed mice grew more and thicker skin than other lab samples. 

However, they found that protein Nrf2 was more active in skin cells that had olive oil. Nrf2 helps cells against skin changes or thickening. It also shows that higher levels of oleic acid and lower levels of linoleic acid might worsen skin inflammation. 

Thus, people with psoriasis should be careful about taking too much olive since it might worsen symptoms. It’s still best to talk to a healthcare provider. 

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

SLE attacks the brain, kidneys, joints, skin, and other organs. Unfortunately, scientists are having a hard time coming up with remedies because SLE’s cause is unknown.

A study probed into how extra virgin olive oil affects the cells of healthy people and those with SLE. The results reveal that polyphenols reduced inflammation-causing cells and proteins. 

Moreover, it shows how polyphenols changed how some of these proteins worked. These findings mean polyphenols suppress inflammation and alter immune function. 

Immune cells, monocytes, and macrophages defend your body against infection and inflammation. However, these cells behave differently in people with SLE.  

Researchers studied olive oil and how it affected healthy people and mice with SLE. Those olive oil-fed showed reduced nitrate and inflammatory proteins than those on sunflower oil. Moreover, people who took olive oil blocked inflammation-causing macrophages (M1) while promoting anti-inflammatory macrophages (M2). 

The phenols target inflammation in the immune cells of animals and people. Therefore, taking organic olive oil might help manage SLE.

9. Organic Olive Oil May Boost Immune System

Extra virgin oil contains MUFAs. It also has polyphenols like oleuropein and HT with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. These actions can be linked to anti-viral and anti-bacterial potential. 

Studies have shown that oleuropein may have antiviral action against the common cold virus. Polyphenol flavonoids reduced common cold infection by 33%. Additionally, oleuropein reduced cold infection by 28% on sick days.

The antioxidant properties promote better immune defense against viruses. For example, HT has been shown to inactivate the effects of influenza A viruses. Another virus that is being extensively studied today is Sars-CoV-2, or COVID-19.

Scientists used computer simulations to study certain parts of olive and see if they could be used for COVID-19. They found that oleuropein and oleocanthal have the potential to fight the virus.

Scientists found Spike proteins on the virus surface, which helps the virus invade cells. Oleuropein and oleocanthal attach to Spike proteins, preventing them from connecting with cell receptors. As a result, it stops the virus from entering cells. These results sound promising, but more studies have to be done to confirm them. 

Experts suggest taking 20-30 g/day of extra virgin olive oil with other healthy foods as an immune system enhancer.

10. Protect Gut from Bad Bacteria

At some point in life, people might experience a stomach upset from the food they eat. It may be caused by food-borne bacteria – Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis, and S. typhi. Some of these bacteria are antibiotic-resistant, so scientists find other ways to get rid of these bacteria. 

Researchers studied how HT and oleuropein in olives affect H. pylori in mice. Unfortunately, HT and oleuropein did not show significant effects individually, but they did have an impact when used together. 

The olive oil-fed mice had fewer stomach sores than mice that didn’t take it. It helped protect their stomach lining. Although, more research is needed to know how olive oil works on the stomach and its potential as a therapy for people with H. pylori.

Turkish extra virgin olive oil also showed bacterial effects, but refined ones did not. Cinnamic compound, a phenolic, reduced L. monocytogenes. At the same time, cinnamic acids, tyrosol, vanillin, and vanillic worked together against S. enteritidis. These results support the antioxidant effects of olive oil based on a study.

At the same time, olive’s antimicrobial action kills L. monocytogenes. A study reveals that 1.25 mg/ml polyphenol extract can stop Listeria monocytogenes growth. Listeria had less ATP or molecule that helps make energy. 

It also had less protein and DNA than cells unexposed to polyphenols. Moreover, polyphenols damage the cell membrane. These results suggest that olive oil helps preserve food by stopping the growth of Listeria.

How Does Organic Olive Oil Work?

It is rich in monosaturated fatty acids and polyphenols. These compounds provide a wide range of effects on your body. It’s how they work to improve health. However, some experts believe more research should be done to confirm these actions. 

Cell Protector

Phenolic compounds oleuropein, HT, and tyrosol act as antioxidants. The exact mechanisms still need to be better understood. Some experts claim they improve cells’ pro- and anti-oxidant balance by increasing glutathione levels. Additionally, they interact with Nfr2, regulating antioxidants and reducing oxidative stress. 


One cause of inflammation is gut health. Some experts suggest inflammation from the gut occurs when there is an imbalance of bacteria. This inflammation leads to many illnesses. Recent research has shown that polyphenols improve the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

Bacteria fighter

Tiny organisms enter the body through the skin, mouth, nose, and other openings. Then, they increase in number and invade organs. For example, flavonoids in olive oil can weaken bacteria. It can also directly kill it or work with antibiotics to kill it. 

Organic Olive Oil as an Antiviral

A virus enters the body and travels on the surfaces of cells. It binds with the cell receptors, which causes its DNA and RNA to enter a cell. It then replicates and spreads to other parts of the body. Scientists found that oleuropein from olive leaves works as an antiviral. They say it effectively stops a virus (HSV-1) replication in cancer cells. 

Heart Protector (Antiatherogenic)

Fatty plaques can accumulate in the inner walls of arteries over time. It causes the narrowing of arteries, leading to high blood pressure and heart problems. Experts suggest extra virgin olive oil may have anti-atherogenic action.

Prevent blood clots 

Thrombosis happens when blood clots block blood flow in arteries or veins. Consuming olive oil may prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition, researchers said extra virgin oil improved blood clotting markers in women with fibromyalgia.


Mutagens are anything that causes a genetic change in your cells or DNA. It can be radiation, radioactive substances, or chemicals. For example, a study suggests that olive flower extracts increase glutathione antioxidants. The extracts also decrease harmful molecules and may prevent or protect DNA from damage or mutations.

Where Can You Find Organic Olive Oil?

People most commonly use olive oil in salad dressing and cooking. There are also gel capsule supplements and some skincare products. 

If you intend to try it, look for extra virgin olive oil. Both extra virgin and regular kinds contain high amounts of healthy MUFAs. But extra virgin is pure and cold-compressed, keeping their nutrients intact. In addition, it protects the phenols from high heat. In contrast, regular kinds go through a refining process and lose some of the nutrients. 

Some capsule brands combine healthy fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. Best supplements contain no preservatives. Also, check if the supplement is GMO, gluten, and soy-free.

Spain, France, and Italy produce the finest organic olive oils. For example, olive groves in Spain do not use herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticides. It’s assured that the dupes and leaves are chemical-free. 

Additionally, look for the oils that contain olive leaves. Olive oil can either come from fruits or leaves. Modern mechanical methods extract oil from olive fruits. For example, olive fruits go through grinding, mixing, cold-pressing, and filtering.

In contrast, oil from the leaves can be extracted using various processes. It includes passing liquid and solvent through the leaves. Other methods use ultra-sound, microwave, and pressure. Some of these methods may cause harm to the good stuff in the leaves.

One of the newest methods is supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. It yields the highest concentrations from the olive leaves. Moreover, it’s the cleanest and most effective extraction method today.

A 2022 study shows that adding oil from the leaves to olive oil increases its antioxidant potency. It improves the total amount of healthy compounds and pigments in olive oil.

Is Organic Olive Oil Safe?

The EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies awarded HT (olive component) with the Novel Food status. The EFSA acknowledged the safety of HT in 2017. It’s because no adverse effect had been observed on daily intake in adults.

A 2022 review reveals that some brands mix olive with cheaper oils for profit. This practice reduces the potency. Moreover, it poses a health threat with its toxicity risks, allergy, and cancer-causing ingredients. But there are ways to detect the “fake” ones with special equipment. 

It is generally safe when taken by mouth or applied on the skin. For example, it works for damaged skin areas due to constant pressure. Hyperoxygenated fatty acids (HOFAs) are used for pressure ulcers. A study shows olive oil is not less effective as HOFA and is safe without any harmful effects.

There isn’t enough information about the safe use of pregnant and breastfeeding women. So, it’s best to talk to a healthcare provider. 

Refrain from olive oil if you are taking blood pressure medications or hypertensive drugs. At the same time, avoid it with other herbs that lower blood pressure. Examples are basil, celery, parsley, garlic, and ginger. Theoretically, olive oil may have an additive effect and further lower blood pressure. 

Moreover, it might cause your blood sugar levels to go down. So, theoretically, taking it with diabetes drugs may further lower blood sugar levels. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you have these health conditions.

What are the Side Effects and Risks of Organic Olive Oil?

Nausea is a rare discomfort when taken by mouth. On the other hand, itching can occur when using skin ointments or creams. It applies to people who may have an allergy. It’s best to check with your healthcare provider before using it.

Studies suggest that olive oil can kill microbes and cleanse the body. However, once these bacteria and viruses die off, they emit toxic substances. As a result, people may feel flu-like symptoms. It includes chills, headaches, fever, and more as an immune system response. 

Some experts say it’s the body’s reaction to detox, also called the Herxheimer reaction. Experts observe Herx in people who take antibiotics for syphilis infection and Lyme disease. Other health providers have noted it in people with Candida or yeast infection.

Herx can happen when people take olive oil for the first time. Moreover, taking too much of it can cause Herx. But it doesn’t happen to everyone. Some nutrition coaches suggest taking olive oil at low doses and gradually increasing the amount. They also recommend drinking more water to flush out the toxins.

Seek advice from your healthcare provider before taking organic olive oil, or if you have already taken it and feel the Herx reaction.

What are the Dosage and Timing?

The usual free oleic acid content varies and may range from 1% to 3%. However, experts claim that more than 3.3% is unsafe for people to consume. Several studies suggest two tablespoons or 28 grams daily is optimal. 

Additionally, the dose depends on your health condition. For example, researchers recommend 30-40 grams per day for high blood pressure. While people who have high blood fat levels take only 15-20 grams daily. 

People can take organic olive oil on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. It can also be taken at least 30 minutes before a first meal. But some specialists suggest taking it with a meal to aid in absorption. For best results, check the manufacturer’s label for the correct dose and frequency of use. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What are the health benefits of organic olive oil?

Organic olive oil, as an antioxidant, helps reduce inflammation. It’s also a good source of healthy MUFAs, which may help improve heart health. It includes reducing bad cholesterol and high blood.

Question 2: What is the difference between organic olive oil and regular olive oil?

Organic olive oil comes from olives that have been grown without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals. In contrast, regular olive oil from olive plants may have been sprayed with chemicals during their growth. Organic olive oil is also certified to be free of genetic modification.

Question 3: How should organic olive oil be stored?

Keep organic olive oil away from light by storing it in a cool and dark place. Make sure to close the container lid airtight to prevent oxidation. Also, consume it within a few months of opening the bottle or based on the manufacturer’s label.


Olive oil is a powerful herb that benefits overall health. Studies have shown it reduces the risk of many health problems, early death, and more. Moreover, experts say it’s safe with rare side effects. 

Besides taking the right dose, looking for organic olive oil may give the best results. It’s free from chemicals that can potentially harm the body. But it’s always best to talk to your healthcare provider should you intend to take it.

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