What are Potential Quercetin Benefits?
Quercetin benefits are more than you can imagine. It dates back to 1857 and originates from the Latin word quercetum or oak forest. Its name was chosen because it was first extracted from the bark of Quercus, a genus of trees, including oak trees.
It belongs to the flavonoid family, divided into six subclasses. It falls under flavanols. You can find it in fruits and vegetables as a natural compound and “plant pigment.” Examples are berries, tomatoes, and leafy greens.
Scientists have claimed that quercetin has antioxidant action, which may positively affect your health. It stops cell damage and lowers inflammation, and strengthens immunity. As a result, it could help prevent and manage cancer, heart disorders, brain issues, and more.
- Learn how quercetin benefits your body
- Discover how it works
- Find out how to get quercetin from your diet or through supplements
- Be aware of the potential side effects
- Get familiar with its recommended dosage
- Understand the safety and risks
1. Support Heart Health
One of the benefits of quercetin is improving heart health. So, researchers looked at several different studies where people took quercetin supplements. They found that quercetin had no overall effects on certain inflammatory biomarkers!
But when they looked closer, they found that quercetin made a difference in some subgroups. For example, women who took quercetin had lower levels of one inflammatory marker.
At the same time, people who had already been identified with certain health conditions also saw some benefits. Additionally, those who took higher doses of quercetin had better outcomes. The review suggests that quercetin is a promising option for managing chronic diseases.
For instance, quercetin can help improve your heart health in many ways. Based on animal studies and lab experiments, a review suggests that it can help:
- Lower blood pressure
- Prevent plaque buildup in arteries
- Reduce blood fat or cholesterol
- Regulate blood sugar
Moreover, it has been shown to protect the heart against damage from cancer therapy drugs. But according to the review, there are uncertain results regarding risk factors like being overweight and having high blood pressure.
Some studies suggest that quercetin benefits could help reduce the risk of heart disease. Although, it’s important to note that these studies have some limitations. More research is needed to understand its potential for heart problems fully.
2. Lower Blood Pressure
A group of researchers reviewed 10 studies with 841 people. The results show that quercetin did have a significant effect on blood pressure. It lowered systolic blood pressure (the top number) by about 2-2.5 mmHg in both the mixed population and the people with normal blood pressure.
It also lowered diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by over 3 mmHg in people with high or borderline high blood pressure.
So, taking quercetin supplements could be a good way to lower blood pressure, especially if people have high or borderline high blood pressure. However, more research is needed to fully understand how quercetin affects blood pressure and whether it’s safe for long periods.
Moreover, a systematic review of previous clinical trials determined if quercetin supplements impact various factors. Besides blood pressure, it included plasma fat or lipid profiles and blood sugar or glucose levels.
The reviewers looked at 17 randomized controlled trials with 896 people. They found that quercetin significantly decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, it did not significantly change lipid profiles or glucose concentrations.
Trials that lasted eight weeks or more showed significant changes in HDL or “good” cholesterol and total circulating blood fats or triglycerides.
These results indicate that quercetin can lower blood pressure. Additionally, longer-term studies may be needed to determine its effects on lipid profiles and glucose levels. Nevertheless, it may be a promising natural way to manage blood pressure.
3. Prevent Plaque Buildup in Arteries
Atherosclerosis occurs when fat and other stuff in your blood clumps together, called plaque. It builds up in your blood arteries or vessel walls, narrowing them. Not much oxygen-rich blood goes to your heart and brain as a result.
Quercetin can help reduce the formation of plaque in arteries. It works by being an anti-inflammatory, reducing oxidation. Moreover, it lowers blood lipids and improves endothelium, the inner cell lining of arteries and veins. As a result, it may lessen the risk of developing plaque buildup in arteries.
Similarly, it could also slow down the aging of blood vessels based on a review. It can protect against heart damage caused by a lack of blood flow. However, preventing endothelial problems is not just about fixing the endothelium itself. Other factors like weight problems and insulin resistance also affect heart health.
The review points out that different problems caused by poor blood vessel function all happen at the same time. They interact with each other. As a result, it creates a chain reaction that can increase the risk of heart conditions. Quercetin can help prevent this chain reaction.
But, well-designed trials are still needed to explore its potential in cell anti-aging and heart protection.
4. Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Quercetin benefits have been linked to supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that helps control how much sugar is in your blood. Diabetes is a long-lasting sickness when your body can’t use insulin well or your pancreas doesn’t make enough of it.
Quercetin works in different ways to help fight against diabetes. Studies show it can help control blood sugar levels. It aids the pancreas in making insulin, which assists in using sugar for energy.
Moreover, it helps to reduce inflammation in the body, which can damage the pancreas and make it harder to control blood sugar levels.
Besides reducing inflammation and damage caused by high blood sugar, quercetin can also prevent some serious diabetes complications. It includes problems with the kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes.
Another good thing is that studies reveal quercetin has fewer side effects than usual diabetes drugs. But the correct dose and therapy duration is still unknown. So more research is also needed to know if it can be a diabetes therapy option.
Generally, studies suggest that quercetin works in different body parts. For example, it helps control the amount of blood sugar. It can also stop the absorption of too much sugar. Although many studies have been done, scientists must still ascertain if it works in people with diabetes.
5. Quercetin Benefits Blood Fat Levels
Metabolic disorders happen when something goes wrong with the body’s energy-making processes. Additionally, It stops cells from making energy or messes up how the body controls its energy.
Metabolic disorders affect blood fat or cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a type of fat important for your body to function properly. But too much cholesterol in your blood can harm your health. It can increase your risk of heart problems and blood sugar levels.
Researchers looked at more than 600 studies to see the effects of quercetin on metabolic conditions. They saw that taking quercetin supplements can help lower total blood fats and “bad” cholesterol or LDL. It also reduced an inflammation marker called CRP.
But, it didn’t seem to affect other markers like triglycerides and “good” cholesterol or HDL. They also didn’t see any big effect on IL-6 and TNF-α inflammation markers. So, it means that quercetin could help improve some aspects of health in people with these conditions.
The potential quercetin benefits for weight management have been studied in some research. For instance, researchers aimed to discover if quercetin could help reduce the risk factors for obesity.
Based on nine studies, people who took quercetin didn’t make any big difference in their overall cholesterol levels compared to the control group (people who didn’t take quercetin). But, when people took a higher dose of at least 250 mg daily and total of 14,000 mg, it significantly lowered their “bad” cholesterol levels or LDL.
In sum, quercetin may not affect the overall cholesterol levels in overweight people. But taking a higher dose may help lower LDL. But, of course, you should see your healthcare provider before taking high amounts of quercetin.
6. Help People with Brain Conditions
Quercetin benefits have been linked to supporting healthy brain function. Brain conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, happen over time. The nerve cells in the brain or body start to die, which makes it hard for the body to work as it should. As a result, people with this condition may have difficulty thinking, walking, talking, and breathing.
Scientists looked into how quercetin might help with conditions that damage brain cells. They found that it may reduce stress caused by harmful chemicals and fight inflammation. Moreover, it can stop the body’s defense cells from attacking its brain cells.
It prevents cell death and maintains the barrier’s strength surrounding the brain. It can also change how specific genes are expressed to protect brain cells.
Quercetin benefits have been linked to reducing the risk of brain function decline in older adults. It can protect against diseases that damage the brain, like Alzheimer’s. Researchers found that it stops certain enzymes from breaking down a brain chemical called acetylcholine. This chemical is vital for memory and thinking.
A review sums it up. Quercetin is a great natural substance that can help with brain conditions. It reduces stress and inflammation and promotes brain growth. However, it could be more soluble. Moreover, it’s not easily absorbed and is unstable in different experiments.
Scientists are still doing more research to improve the delivery system. Examples are nanoencapsulation or microemulsion. These delivery systems make it easier for the body to absorb quercetin. Despite the ongoing research, quercetin could be a helpful supplement to keep the brain healthy based on the latest studies.

7. Quercetin Benefits People Who Had a Stroke
Did you know there are different types of strokes? The most common is an ischaemic stroke (IS). It happens when a blockage cuts off the blood supply to your brain.
Another type of stroke is called a hemorrhagic stroke (HS). It occurs when there’s bleeding in or around your brain. In contrast, a mini-stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) results in a temporary blockage with symptoms that last only briefly.
Scientists reviewed different studies to see how well quercetin works for IS. In 12 studies, quercetin improved a score measuring how well your brain works.
Additionally, it reduced the amount of damage in the brain caused by the stroke. In a few other studies, quercetin helped protect the brain by making it harder for things to leak out of the blood vessels and into the brain.
So how does quercetin work to help protect the brain during a stroke? It does many different things. It fights off harmful molecules, reduces inflammation, and helps control calcium levels in your brain.
Similarly, another review reveals quercetin can help with IS. It reduces swelling, prevents cell death, and stops blood from clotting too much. Studies show that quercetin can also stop inflammation, a big cause of strokes.
These findings are promising and suggest quercetin could be a helpful therapy for IS. However, more research is needed to know how well it works and how much one should take.
8. Fight Lung Infections
Quercetin benefits may also help improve lung and airway health. Lung illnesses are common worldwide and affect people of all ages. They usually involve the upper airway tract and go away on their own. But sometimes, they can get worse and affect the lower respiratory tract.
Bacteria and viruses are usually the cause of severe lung infections. However, a study shows quercetin has many benefits for lung health. It includes fighting viruses and bacteria or blocking the virus from getting into cells. Moreover, it reduces inflammation and helps your body combat the virus.
More studies on people are needed to see if quercetin can prevent or eliminate lung illnesses when they happen.
Scientists have also found that quercetin has a wide range of antiviral actions. It can help fight more types of viruses than other medicines. And the best part? It doesn’t harm healthy cells, so it’s likely safe.
For example, a study suggests that quercetin might help fight COVID-19. Here’s why: First, quercetin can stop the virus from multiplying in lung cells. Second, it prevents the virus from getting into cells.
Third, COVID-19 makes your body release many cytokines, which can lead to lung problems. Quercetin can stop it. And fourth, COVID-19 can cause blood clots, but quercetin can help stop them from forming.
This study suggests that quercetin could be a good way to fight COVID-19. More research, though, is needed to know for sure.
9. Quercetin Benefits the Ovaries
Many women suffer from a hormonal disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It can mess up periods and make it hard to have babies. Moreover, it can cause high levels of hormones. As a result, the body has a hard time using sugar.
According to scientists, with antioxidant action, quercetin can help ease PCOS symptoms. It improves gut health and reduces inflammation. Moreover, it can stop things from getting damaged by harmful chemicals in the body.
Other scientists looked at eight studies and found that quercetin could make the ovaries work better. It can also lower some of the hormones that cause trouble. Unfortunately, it didn’t help with weight loss. But it may fight inflammation and other bodily problems.
Additionally, women with PCOS often have low antioxidants and high-stress levels. Quercetin, as a natural antioxidant, may help with these issues.
In a study, 72 women with PCOS were randomly given 500 mg of quercetin or a placebo daily for 40 days. The results show that the women who took quercetin had lower levels of certain hormones and inflammation markers than those who took the placebo.
In addition, the quercetin group had better egg cells and baby development in the womb. They also had a higher pregnancy rate.
Quercetin may help manage PCOS symptoms and improve the chances of getting pregnant. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.
10. Restore Tired Muscles
The potential quercetin benefits for exercise performance have been studied in some research. Scientists wanted to see if taking quercetin could help people exercise better. They got 12 healthy people to take quercetin pills and a placebo for a week.
The scientists measured how long the people could bike, how much their muscles were damaged, and how much oxygen and energy their bodies used.
The scientists found that those who took quercetin could bike longer during the test’s second part. They also had less inflammation and muscle damage, and their bodies used oxygen better.
However, there wasn’t much difference between the quercetin and placebo groups, like glucose and certain proteins. Scientists suggest quercetin can help people exercise better by reducing inflammation and muscle damage.
Have you ever felt sore muscles after doing some intense exercise? Sometimes, this muscle damage can affect your physical performance, especially if you’re not used to it. A study aimed to see if quercetin could help muscles recover faster from damage.
They gave 12 young men quercetin or a placebo for 14 days. The study found that quercetin helped reduce muscle damage and inflammation. Moreover, it increased the levels of hormones IGF-I and IGF-II, which help grow and repair muscles.
Taking quercetin might be a good idea to recover faster after an intense workout and perform better next time.
11. Quercetin for Allergies
More and more people are experiencing skin, food, and lung or airway allergies. According to a study, quercetin can help reduce the symptoms of allergies. It stops certain chemicals that cause inflammation. It also helps keep some cells in your body from overreacting to allergens.
Studies show it can ease allergy-related conditions, like asthma and allergies to peanuts. Moreover, It is used in some medicines and supplements to help stop allergies. It can work better than some other anti-allergy drugs. Hence, quercetin benefits may also help reduce symptoms of allergies.
Quercetin has a lot of antioxidants. Scientists claim it’s good at fighting allergies because it can stop your body from making too much histamine and other stuff that causes inflammation.
Quercetin benefits may also include supporting healthy immune function or improving the immune system. Many studies suggest it may help with allergic diseases like asthma, allergies that affect your nose, and skin allergies.
For example, a study looked into 66 people with allergies. They took either a quercetin supplement or a placebo for four weeks. The people who took the supplement felt better, especially with symptoms like itchy eyes, sneezing, and runny nose.
They also felt like their quality of life improved. Additionally, the supplement had only a few small side effects. These results show that taking a quercetin-containing supplement might help people with allergies feel better.
12. May Combat Cancer
Some studies suggest that quercetin benefits could help reduce the risk of cancer. Quercetin can help your body fight inflammation and prevent cancer from growing. Scientists assessed the potential anti-cancer effect of it on blood, prostate, and lung cancers. They found it can stop cancer cells from multiplying and growing, like stopping certain proteins from working.
But people with cancer should be cautious. For example, quercetin can interfere with some cancer drugs. So people who have cancer should talk to their healthcare provider before taking it.
Also, even though quercetin has shown promise in lab studies, there are only a few studies on people. Finally, quercetin doesn’t stay in the body long, so scientists are still trying to figure out how to use it effectively.
Quercetin may be able to protect the liver from diseases. Scientists wanted to know if quercetin could help fight liver cancer. They looked at 39 studies about quercetin and liver cancer. They found that it can stop cancer cells from growing and cause them to die.
When taken in the right amount, it has no bad side effects and can stop cancer cells from growing and spreading. It works by changing how cells work and helping other cancer treatments work better.
However, more studies are needed to understand how it works. Scientists are also looking at new ways to give quercetin, like combining it with other drugs or using special delivery systems. These approaches could make quercetin even more effective in fighting cancer.
13. Quercetin Benefits the Eyes
Scientists have been studying quercetin to see if it could be used for eye diseases. These include allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye disease, cataract, glaucoma, etc.
Quercetin has properties that may contribute to its therapeutic effect on various eye problems. For example, it has antioxidants that help your body fight off inflammation and cancer. It can also help your immune system and protect your brain. Plus, it can even help prevent scarring in your organs.
Hence, scientists suggest that quercetin could be used for eye conditions. But there’s a catch. Most of the studies on quercetin have been done on animals, not people. So, scientists still have to do more research to determine if it’s safe and effective for people with eye problems.

How Does Quercetin Work?
Quercetin benefits you in a lot of ways. It targets different pathways in the body involved in various health conditions. It can help fight off inflammation, boost the immune system, and could protect against certain cancers.
- Antioxidant – It positively affects the glutathione antioxidant, some enzymes, and pathways. As a result, it can help the body rid of harmful molecules or free radicals that cause health problems. Moreover, it may help suppress inflammation. As a result, it may prevent chronic diseases associated with inflammation. Examples are heart conditions, diabetes, and cancer.
- Anti-inflammatory – Based on studies, quercetin can inhibit the production of inflammation-causing enzymes. As a result, it limits inflammation in cells and even stimulates the immune system. It also has a stabilizing effect on cells involved in allergic inflammation.
- Immune system support – Scientists found that quercetin can help calm down cells in the body called dendritic cells, which can cause inflammation. Quercetin helps make these cells more tolerant and better at helping the immune system fight inflammation.
- Heart care – Studies show that it can stop LDL oxidation, which can form plaque in arteries. It also opens blood vessels and reduces inflammation. It can also protect cells lining blood vessels and stop blood cells from sticking together.
- Anti-cancer – A study shows that it affects different pathways in the body that are involved in cancer growth. For example, it can make cancer cells die off and stop spreading to other body parts. It can also interfere with how cancer cells use energy, which can help slow down their growth.
There are other ways in which quercetin affects your different body parts. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are considering quercetin supplements to achieve your health goals.
Which Quercetin is Best?
Did you know that wine contains quercetin? If you’re not into wine, you can also find quercetin in drinks like black tea. And if you’re a juice fan, one liter of black currant juice or apple juice contains a good amount of quercetin.
Moreover, quercetin-rich fruits and vegetables include apples, berries, cherries, tomatoes, and red grapes. You can also find it in leafy greens, broccoli, and nuts.
Experts reveal among all the vegetables, onions have the highest content. But when you store onions in the first 12 days, they may lose their quercetin levels by 33%. In contrast, strawberries increase their content by 32% if kept at − 20 °C for nine months.
Moreover, how plants grow can affect how much quercetin they have. For example, experts say they make more quercetin when they get more sun. So, it’s essential to pay attention to how your food is grown and prepared to get the most out of them.
Quercetin Benefits Through Supplements
Supplements are an excellent source of quercetin. You can find them in health stores and online shops. Manufacturers sell powders, tablets, and capsules with varying potency and doses.
Like other nutritional supplements, your body absorbs quercetin poorly. This is where phytosomes and other vitamins come in. Phytosomes are natural ingredients like lecithin that increase the absorption of herbal substances.
For example, researchers tested quercetin with phytosomes on some healthy people. They found that it works much better than regular quercetin. Moreover, it helped get the quercetin into the blood up to 20 times more without untoward side effects.
At the same time, some products contain bromelain, vitamin C, and zinc. These substances work well together for better absorption and stronger immunity. Best supplements are also free from artificial flavors, GMOs, gluten, and soy.
What are the Possible Side Effects?
Very few people have any issues, and side effects may only be mild. Common side effects may include numbness or tingling of legs and arms, upset stomach, or headache.
What is the daily Quercetin dose?
The usual dose is 250 mg to 1,000 mg daily for up to 12 weeks. However, no information exists on doses greater than 1,000 mg for long-term use. The proper amount depends on the nature of the health condition.
For example, studies suggest a dose of 100 mg -1,000 mg daily for 4-12 weeks for high blood pressure and diabetes. At the same time, women with PCOS benefit from a dose of 1,000 mg daily for 12 weeks.
There’s no standard time of the day to take this supplement. Talking with your healthcare provider is best to know the right amount.
Are Quercetin Supplements Safe?
Some studies with animals have shown that too much quercetin can hurt the kidneys or even cause cancer. You may also be concerned about using quercetin during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Unfortunately, there is not enough information available about it. It may be best to speak with a healthcare provider about safe options.
Also, experts recommend people avoid quercetin with other medicines and herbal supplements for other health conditions.
- High blood pressure drugs and herbal supplements: Quercetin may increase your risk of low blood pressure.
- Drugs and herbal supplements that may lower blood sugar levels: You might experience a sugar crash as your blood sugar levels drop.
- Quinolone antibiotics: It might decrease the potency of the antibiotics.
- Cyclosporine for post-organ transplant: It might increase the risk of the drug’s side effects.
- Cytochromes or drugs altered by the liver: Quercetin may affect the speed at which the liver breaks down the drug. As a result, it could cause changes in the way the drug works and cause side effects.
Quercetin supplements are generally safe for short-term intake. However, if you have other concerns, speak with your healthcare provider before adding them to your diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Quercetin is good for what?
Quercetin benefits include reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and lowering cancer risk. It also helps support brain and immune function based on science. Plus, it helps protect cells from damage with its antioxidant action. But check with your healthcare provider before taking this supplement since it may affect you differently.
Question 2: Are quercetin and CoQ10 the same?
Quercetin and CoQ10 are both supplements, but they are different substances. Quercetin is a flavonoid, while CoQ10 is a molecule that plays a role in the cell’s energy production. Both have antioxidant properties but act differently for varied purposes. Thus, quercetin benefits the body in other ways compared to CoQ10.
Question 3: What is quercetin with bromelain?
Quercetin benefits come from flavonoids found in many plants. In contrast, bromelain is a mixture of enzymes from pineapple stems. Both have anti-inflammatory action, and their combination has synergistic effects. They may work better together than alone. The gut absorbs quercetin poorly, and bromelain may help to improve it.
Quercetin’s potent antioxidant action may prevent cell damage, lower inflammation, and boost immunity. As a result, it may help to prevent and manage various health issues such as heart disease, cancer, and brain disorders.
It’s best to talk to your healthcare provider to get the most out of these quercetin benefits. They can help you determine if it’s right for you and advise how to use it safely.

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