

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Can It Be Better Than Other Exercises?

Fitness buffs and professionals balancing a busy schedule always seek efficient and effective workout methods. High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, has become a...

Brain & CognitionCardiovascularOverall Health

Can L-Methylfolate Plus Vitamin B12 Benefit Your Mood, Heart, and Brain Health?

Feeling down and just not quite yourself? Or are you planning to get pregnant or pregnant already? You might be missing a key...

Blood PressureBone HealthBrain & CognitionCardiovascularOverall Health

Harnessing the Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Dieticians and doctors are raving about the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, but what is at the heart of this dietary lifestyle?...

Bone HealthCardiovascularStress & Mood

Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2

Ever feel like there’s just not enough sunshine in the day? What if you could capture its benefits in a tiny drop? That’s...

Brain & CognitionCardiovascularOverall HealthWeightloss

Polyphenols Benefits: 8 Potential Ways That Could Impact General Health

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Plants bear tasty fruits and vegetables packed...

Brain & CognitionCardiovascular

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Quick Guide to Kickstart Your So-Active Daily Habit

Omega-3 are healthy fats vital for your heart and brain health. It is naturally found in fish, nuts, and seeds. Unfortunately, many people...

Blood PressureBrain & CognitionCardiovascular

Omega-3 Supplements May Improve Your Health in 10 Ways, Here’s What Research Reveals!

Why organic olive oil? The Mediterranean diet has been No. 1 for many years, based on the U.S. News & World Reports. Ever...

Blood PressureCardiovascular

Berberine Benefits: How to Add This Powerful Supplement to Your Routine

Rooted in ancient wellness, Berberine from Berberis Aristata is Ayurveda’s treasure, aiding health beyond the ordinary. Known for its vibrant yellow alkaloid, Berberine,...

Blood PressureCardiovascular

Omega-3 Supplements May Improve Your Health in 10 Ways, Here’s What Science Says!

Omega-3 supplements can do great things for the body. These fatty acids are the subject of countless studies on their notable benefits.   These...


CoQ10: The Heart of the Matter About Its Potential Benefits for Your Health

Coenzyme Q10  or CoQ10 is a fascinating nutrient that has been the subject of numerous studies. In this article, you’ll discover why taking it...